I order all department secretaries and heads of agencies to remove redundant requirements and compliance with one department or agency, shall be accepted as sufficient for all. “Therefore, I direct all department secretaries and the heads of agencies to reduce requirements and the processing time of all applications, from the submission to the release. “However, there are certain policies and specifics of which cannot wait for tomorrow to be announced. They shall be supplied to you in due time. “My economic and financial, political policies are contained in those quotations, though couched in general terms. “And from (Abraham) Lincoln I draw this expression: You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong You cannot help the poor by discouraging the rich You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer You cannot further the brotherhood by inciting class hatred among men.”

“The test of government is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide for those who have little (Franklin Delano Roosevelt). Kasunod nito ang panawagan ng bagong pangulo sa lahat ng ahensiya ng gobyerno na gawing madali ang mga pagproseso ng mga aplikasyon sa ilang kaukulang requirements.Īniya, “There are two quotations from revered figures that shall serve as the foundation upon which this administration shall be built. “There are many amongst us who advance the assessment that the problems that bedevil our country today which need to be addressed with urgency, are corruption, both in the high and low echelons of government, criminality in the streets, and the rampant sale of illegal drugs in all strata of Philippine society and the breakdown of law and order. “That is why we have to listen to the murmurings of the people, feel their pulse, supply their needs and fortify their faith and trust in us whom they elected to public office. “It is the people from whom the democratic governments draw strength. Pahayag ni President Duterte sa kanyang inaugural address, “No leader, however strong, can succeed at anything of national importance unless he has the support of the people he is tasked to lead and sworn to serve.

Ito raw ang mga pangunahing kadahilanan kung bakit nalugmok ang bansa sa kahirapan. Sa kauna-unahang talumpati ni Rodrigo Duterte bilang pangulo ng Pilipinas, binigyang diin niya ang kanyang laban sa korapsyon, droga, at kriminalidad.