Warning: If you lose both the Recovery Key and the Password, you won’t be able to reset your Mac login password. When you set up FileVault, note down the Recovery Key and keep it in a safe place so that only you could reset your Mac login password in the future. Note: If you are concerned about data security and wanted to restrict unauthorized access to your Mac by using this method, enable FileVault encryption or Firmware password.įileVault encrypts the content of your Mac, and the Password Reset utility won’t show up unless you reset it by using Disk Utility. On the login screen, type the new password to log in to your system.Click Restart to reboot your Mac normally.Provide a password hint so that you can recall the password, in case you forget it in the future.Enter a new password then reenter the password to verify.On Terminal window, type resetpassword and hit Return.From the top menu bar, go to Utilities > Terminal.Your Mac will boot into macOS Recovery mode. Release the keys once you see the Apple logo. Start or restart your Mac, then immediately press and hold Command + R keys.Steps to reset the Mac login password by using macOS Recovery mode: You should try this method when you can’t recall your lost password even after seeing the password hint.